Look out! Look out!Pink elephants on parade Here they come!Hippety hoppety They're here and therePink elephants ev'rywhere Look out! Look out! They're walking around the bedOn their head Clippety cloppety Arrayed in braidPink elephants on parade What'll I do? What'll I do? What an unusual view! I could stand the sight of worms And look at microscopic germs But technicolor pachyderms Is really too much for meI am not the type to faint When things are odd or things are quaint But seeing things you know that ain't Can certainly give you an awful fright! What a sight!Chase 'em away!Chase 'em away! I'm afraid need your aidPink elephants on parade! Pink elephants!Pink elephants!
This is a work related piece my good friend mike conceptualized the character design for this guy which is going to be animated by me..well im having a helluva time animating this big guy..well i have him on my dev account too.